Humly Blog

Return to Office & The Hybrid Workplace - Thought Leadership

Written by Anders Karlsson | Feb 8, 2024 9:02:46 AM

Four years have passed since the pandemic, accelerating the move to hybrid work globally. It has had a major impact on business everywhere. Tools for hybrid communication and collaboration have been the primary focus until now. This trend will continue, but in 2024 and onwards, we expect facility and talent management to rise as focus areas. 

Most companies remain in the same buildings as they were in 2019, in part because of long leases. For many, the sensible thing has also been to wait and allow things to settle before launching any major renovation or relocation projects. The dust has settled, and new tools are in place to manage daily communication. Companies are ready to take the next steps and execute their long-term strategies for hybrid. 

At Humly, we aim to assist in this transition by connecting all available resources provided by facilities and technology and making them visible and intuitively accessible to the end users. Today, the workplace experience extends beyond the office walls – and knowledge workers need convenient access to plan and book resources like parking spaces, desks, and meeting rooms from anywhere. 

The hybrid knowledge worker needs to coordinate office days to align with in-person meetings and workshops, and social interactions at the workplace. Often, it is also required to navigate company policies of attendance requirements and flexible seating. In addition to the regular pre-hybrid challenges of coordinating meetings, it means finding collaboration spaces and making sense of what sometimes presents as a struggling meeting culture.  

We have aligned our roadmap to this reality and will roll out more innovative solutions and improve our existing core offerings. The last four years have changed the foundations of modern work, but in our view, the biggest revolution is still to come. 

Anders Karlsson

