The story behind: Touchless Check-in

Picture of Tomas Nielsen
Tomas Nielsen Jun 24, 2021 11:24:46 AM
The other day our product owner Tobias Liljedahl came to me and he was all excited because he had just had this great workshop with one of our customers in the automotive sector. They’re mobilizing...

Hallo Deutschland! Wie geht's?

Picture of Dan Arrias
Dan Arrias May 27, 2021 1:07:12 PM
We are working intensely to handle the demand coming from new regions and we do our best to attend to the needs our partners and customers face. Recently, we have noticed that organizations in...

Humly <3 Nexudus

Tobias Liljedahl May 7, 2021 4:42:16 PM
In late 2020 Ubiq approached us and told us about Hufvudstaden’s latest coworking venture Cecil. We were very excited by the concept with beautiful Scandinavian interior, impressive lighting design...